The Board of Trustees for Triquetra Services (Scotland) comprises professionals in the fields of creative arts, martial arts, history and business, along with any other relevant fields. The Board of Trustees generally does not deal with the running or management of the organisation; rather its purpose is to ensure that the organisation remains worthy of charitable status, that the ethics of the organisation remain pure and that the organisation does not deviate from its chosen aims and objectives.
Mr Ben Kerr MA(Hons) MLitt
Ben was one of the original trustees of the organisation and has been part of the charity’s management team since the very beginning. His academic background is history and war studies and he has several years of teaching experience in various fields relating to history, handcrafts and martial arts. He is skilled with graphical design software and has provided all of the graphical design work for the charity since its inception. Ben has received acknowledgement from HEMAC, an external international body for researchers, for his work and efforts in researching and developing teaching materials for the charity.
Mr Keith Farrell BSc(Hons)
Keith Farrell is one of the senior instructors for the Academy of Historical Arts. He teaches HEMA professionally, often at international events, and has an interest in coaching instructors to become better teachers. He has authored Scottish Broadsword and British Singlestick and the AHA German Longsword Study Guide, and maintains a blog at where he posts regularly. He has been a member of HEMAC since 2011, and was awarded a HEMA Scholar Award for Best Instructor for research published in 2013.
Mrs Laura Hogg BA(Hons) MCLIP
Laura has worked within the Glasgow City Council in the libraries and school outreach programmes. She has many valuable contacts within the council and within the local education sector, and has helped to develop the charity’s Past Professor programme that provides presentations and educational activities to local schools and museums.
Dr Ralph Moffat FSA Scot.
Ralph is the curator of European Arms and Armour at the Glasgow Museums. With several academic qualifications and achievements under his belt, he ensures that the charity’s work remains honest and with academic integrity. He has worked very closely with the charity’s management team to organise and run an academic conference in the field of the study of historical arms and armour and has opened many doors for the charity within the Glasgow Museums.
Mr Mark Taylor PGDip MSc MBA
Mark is an experienced business advisor and teacher of business studies. His knowledge of the third sector, sources for charitable funding and the writing of funding applications has been of immense benefit to the charity’s management team over the last few years, and he brings valuable business and charity experience to the board.